Olivia Caramello's website
Some slides
- Topos-empowered automatic theorem
generation (talk at the CRI, Mines Paris)
- Relative toposes and
meta-learning (talk at the Computing and AI Summit, London, 3-4
June 2024)
- Syntactic learning
via topos theory (talk at the New AI workshop at RL China - 24
November 2023)
- Toposic Fraïssé-Galois theory and motivic
toposes (talk at the ICBS Satellite Conference on Algebraic and
Arithmetic Geometry, BIMSA, 11-14 July 2023)
- Toposes
as‘bridges’ for mathematics and artificial intelligence (talk at
the Workshop on Semantic Information and Communication: Towards a
semantic 6G, Lagrange Center, Paris, 7-8 March 2023)
- Fibred sites
and existential toposes (talk presenting the contents of the
eponymous paper)
- De Copernic à Grothendieck:
la puissance du point de vue fécond (talk in French for the
conference in honour of Jean-Jacques Szceciniarz, November 2022)
- Comment construire des
'ponts' en mathématiques ? (talk in French at Timeworld 2022,
- The 'unifying
notion' of topos (talk at the Grothendieck Conference held at
Chapman University in May 2022)
- Introduction to
relative topos theory (course at the school "Unifying themes in
- Ontologies, knowledge
representations and Grothendieck toposes (joint talk with
Laurent Lafforgue for a Huawei workshop)
Introduction to sheaves, stacks and relative toposes (research
course for "Toposes
- Relative topos theory via
stacks (talk at ItaCa Fest 2021)
- Unification and
morphogenesis: a topos-theoretic perspective (Logic and
Philosophy of Science Seminar at the University of Palermo)
- Topoi come 'ponti': una morfogenesi
matematica (Synergia seminar at the University of Urbino)
- The
geometry of morphisms and equivalences of toposes (research
course given in videoconference for the Lecture Series Topics in
contemporary mathematics at the Universidad Nacional de
- Toposes
as unifying spaces: historical aspects and prospects (tak at the
Workshop in honor of Alexander Grothendieck’s legacy at the
Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
- An invitation to
topos-theoretic model theory (research course given in
videoconference at the Institute For Fundamental Research, Tehran)
- Introduction to Grothendieck toposes
(research course given in videoconference at the conference
"Topics in Category Theory" in Edinburgh)
Unità e molteplicità:
l'estetica dell'oggetto in matematica (talk at ScienzaNuova
Reale o immaginario?
La lezione dei topoi (talk at ScienzaNuova 2019)
Grothendieck toposes as 'bridges' between theories (research
course at the school of "Toposes in Como")
- La "notion
unificatrice" de topos (Lecture Grothendieckienne at
the ENS)
- Invariants ou dictionnaires ? Un point de vue topos-théorique
(talk at the Université Sorbonne)
- Les topos de
Grothendieck comme 'ponts' unifiants en mathématiques (HDR talk)
theory of topos-theoretic 'bridges', five years later
- Morita-equivalences
for MV-algebras
- Deductive
systems and Grothendieck topologies
- Stone-type dualities through
topos-theoretic 'bridges' (research course in Nice)
- The unification of
Mathematics via Topos Theory
- The idea of bridge and its unifying role in Science
- Toposes as bridges
for unifying Mathematics
- Fraïssé's
construction from a topos-theoretic perspective
- Extensions of flat
functors and theories of presheaf type
- Duality
and Morita-equivalence: a topos-theoretic perspective
List of invited talks
18h International Paris Workshop of the Design Theory SIG of
the Design Society (Mines Paris, 3rd-4th February 2025)
EHESS, Paris (20 January 2025)
LMCRC Mathematical & Information Science Summit,
Paris (21 September 2024)
CRI Department, Mines Paris-Tech (17 September
Seminar at the Lagrange Centre (Paris, 15
July 2024)
Computing and AI Summit, London (3-4 June 2024)
Deducteam Seminar, ENS de Paris-Saclay (3 May 2024)
Seminar at the Lagrange Centre (Paris, 19
April 2024)
Seminar “Logique, Mathématiques, Informatique, Raisonnement“ of the
ENS de Lyon (5 March 2024)
New AI Workshop, RL China (24 November 2023)
Lagrange Mathematical Information Science Workshop,
Paris (9 - 13 October 2023)
ICBS Satellite Conference on Algebraic and Arithmetic
Geometry (Beijing, 11-14 July 2023)
Logica Universalis Webinar, 17 May 2023
University of Luxembourg, 20 April 2023
F1 World Seminar, 22 March 2023
Higher Structures Seminar, Feza Gursey Research Center for
Physics and Mathematics (Instanbul, Turkey), 14 March 2023
MICS laboratory, CentraleSupélec, Université
Paris-Saclay, 9 March 2022
“Workshop on Semantic Information and Communication”,
Lagrange Center, Paris, 7-8 March 2023
Mathematics Colloquium, University di Warwick
(U.K.), 3 March 2023
Invited talk at the Conference in honour of Jean-Jacques
Szczeciniarz (University of Paris 7, 24-25 November 2022)
"Dipartimento di Ingegneria
dell'Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni" of the
University of Rome "La Sapienza", 27 October 2022
Lectio magistralis at the RIMSE Mathematics
Symposium (1-2 October 2022)
Talk at ETH Zurich, 29 September 2022
Talk at the conference SYCO 9 (Como, 8-9
September 2022)
Talk at the ACAI conference 2022 (Dubai,
6-8 September 2022)
Colloquium talk at the Stockholm
Mathematics Centre (KTH and University of Stockholm), 31
August 2022
Talk at the Conference in honour of Thierry
Coquand's 60th birthday, University of Gothenburg, 25
August 2022
Talk at Timeworld 2022, Paris, 30 June 2022
Talk at the conference “Grothendieck, a Multifarious
Giant: Mathematics, Logic and Philosophy” (Chapman
University, 24-28 May 2022)
Seminar at the Lagrange Centre, Paris, 3 March 2022
Semantics Workshop,
Lagrange Centre, Paris, 3-4 February 2022
Invited talk (online) at the Dagstuhl Seminar
“Geometric Logic, Constructivisation, and Automated Theorem Proving”
(21-26 November 2021)
Invited talk (online) at the Wisconsin Logic Seminar,
1 November 2021
Research course for the school of Unifying Themes in
Geometry (27-30 September 2021)
Research course for the school of Toposes online
(24-30 June 2021)
ItaCa Fest 2021, 15 June
Politecnico di Torino,
27 May 2021
University of Palermo,
28 April 2021
University of Urbino,
27 April 2021
Invited research mini-course at the Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, 25-30 October 2020
Invited talk at the Workshop in honor of Alexander Grothendieck’s
legacy at the Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, 27-28 August 2020
Invited talk at the summer school of ScienzaNuova,
Merano, July 2020
Invited research course at the Institute For Fundamental
Research, Tehran (Iran) - given through videoconference
from IHES, 13, 20 and 27 May 2020
Invited research
course given (in videoconference from IHES) at the conference
"Topics in Category Theory", ICMS, Edinburgh (11-13
March 2020)
Invited talk at the workshop “Deep Dive in Topos Theory”,
Huawei Research Laboratories, Parigi, 30-31 January 2020
Invited talk at the summer school of ScienzaNuova,
Merano, July 2019
Invited talk at the 6th Workshop on Formal Topology,
Birmingham (U.K.), 8-12 April 2019
Invited 3-hour lecture course at the workshop Geometry at large, December 10-18 2018, Spain
Invited talk at the Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy
of Science Annual Meeting 2018, Lugano, 21-22 September
Research course at the school of
Toposes in Como,
24-29 June 2018, slides
here, video to be uploaded soon
Dipartimento di Matematica of the
Università degli Studi di Trento, 7
June 2018
Invited seminar at the Dipartimento di Scienze Pure ed
Applicate of the Università degli Studi di Urbino,
29 May 2018
Invited talk at the Third FilMat
Conference “Philosophy of Mathematics: Objects, Structures, and
Logics”, Mussomeli, 25-27 May
Invited talk at the 4th Huawei-IHES
Workshop on Mathematical Theories for Information and Communication
Technologies, IHÉS, France,
12 April 2018, video
Université Sorbonne, Paris, 21
March 2018, slides
Huawei Research
Laboratories, Paris, 8 March 2018
Lectures Grothendieckiennes, Department of Mathematics of
École Normale Supérieure,
Paris, 6 March 2018, slides
here, video
Department of Computer Science of the
Ecole Polytechnique, 5 March 2018, video
talk at the
international conference
«Quand la forme devient substance : Puissance des gestes, intuition
diagrammatique et phénoménologie de l’espace», Paris, 25-27
January 2018
Research course at the conference Logique
catégorique, topos et dualités, Université de Nice - Sophia
Antipolis, 8-12 January 2018, slides available
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
of the University of Verona, 6 October 2017
Invited talk at the conference Geometry and non-classical
logics, Salerno, 5-8 September 2017
Inaugural lecture at the University of Insubria,
30th May 2017
Logic Seminar of Oxford University
(U.K.), 18th May 2017
Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of Kyushu
University (Japan), 14th April 2017
Two talks at the Department of Mathematics of
Kyoto University (Japan), 10th and 11th April 2017
Invited talk at the the conference Noncommutative Geometry:
Number Theory, as part of Alain Connes' 70th
birthday celebration (23 March - 7 April 2017) at
Fudan University in Shanghai (China)
Invited talk at the British Mathematical Colloquium 2017,
Durham (U.K.), 3-6 April 2017
Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of the
University of Augsburg (Germany), 31 January 2017
Exposé de soutenance d'HDR, Université de Paris 7,
14 December 2016
Research course at the University of Nottingham
(21-24 June 2016)
Seminar SAGAj of the Department of Mathematics
of the Université d’Orsay (France), 17 March 2016
Research course at the conference "Topos à l'IHÉS"
(23-27 November 2015).
- Séminaire de Logique Mathématique of the
Université de Lyon 1 (France), 10 November 2015
Invited talk at the workshop "Duality in contemporary
mathematics: philosophical aspects" (Wuppertal, Germany,
2-5 September 2015)
Invited lecture at UNILOG 2015
(Instanbul, Turkey, 20-30 June 2015)
Invited lecture at TACL 2015 (Ischia, Italy, 21-26
June 2015)
Invited talk at the International Logic
Workshop LIQ 5 (Paris,
June 8-9, 2015)
Invited talk at the workshop "Théorie des catégories,
dynamiques anciennes et nouvelles, mathématiques et philosophie"
(Paris, 5 May 2015)
Seminar at IHÉS, France, 17 April 2015
Séminaire Philosophie et Mathématiques,
Normale Supérieure, Paris,
6 March 2014
- Séminaire d'algèbre,
topologie et géométrie, Université de Nice, 22
January 2014
- Invited talk at the conference
Beyond True and False: Logic, Algebra and
Topology (University of Florence, Italy,
3-5 December 2014)
- Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of the
University of Milan, Italy, 27th March 2014
- Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of the Università dell'Insubria, Italy, 21st March 2014
- Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Milan, Italy, 20th March 2014
- “Algèbres
d'opérateurs” Seminar,
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (Universités Paris
6-7), 5th December 2013, France
- Invited
lecture at the Séminaire Itinérant de Catégories,
16th November 2013, Paris, France
- Manin's Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics, Max
Planck Institute for Mathematics, 5th November 2013,
- Invited lecture at the Workshop on Category-Theoretic
Foundations of Mathematics, University of California at
Irvine (U.S.A.), 4th - 5th May 2013
- Seminar at the Department of
Philosophy of Princeton University (U.S.A.), 19th
April 2013
- Harvard/MIT Logic Seminar (U.S.A.),
22nd April 2013
- Number Theory Seminar, Harvard University
(U.S.A.), 17th April 2013
- “Logique catégorique” Seminar,
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (Universités Paris
6-7), France, 10th April 2013
- “Algèbres
d'opérateurs” Seminar,
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (Universités Paris
6-7), France, 4th April 2013
- Seminar at
the Department of Mathematics of the Università
dell'Insubria (Italy), 26th March 2013
- Seminar at the
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (Universités Paris
6-7), France, 6th February 2013
- Research-level lecture course on the unifying techniques (18
hours in total) at the
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (Universités Paris
6-7), France, January 2013
- Seminar at
the University Paris 7, 16th January 2013
- Department of Mathematics of the
University of Milan
(Italy), 19th December 2012
- Category Theory Seminar, University of Cambridge (U.K.),
27th November 2011
- Fourth French PhilMath Workshop (Paris,
France), 4th - 6th October 2012
- Invited lecture at the Fourth Workshop on Formal
Topology (Ljubljana, Slovenia), 15th -19th June 2012
- Seminario di Matematica,
University of Milan (Italy), 19th April 2012
- Séminaire d'Analyse Algébrique, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu,
Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie (France), 2nd April 2012
- President's Evening, Jesus College, Cambridge
(U.K.), 23rd January 2012
- Pure Mathematics Seminar, University of East Anglia (U.K.),
28th November 2011
- Category Theory Seminar, University of Cambridge
15th November 2011
- Model Theory Seminar, University of Leeds
(U.K.), 7th December 2011
- Categories and Physics 2011, Paris (France),
November - 3rd December 2011
- Seminar at the IHÉS (France), 31st October 2011
(poster available here)
- "Logique catégorique" Seminar, Université Paris 7,
19th October 2011
- "Catégories et physique" Seminar, Université Paris 7,
12th October 2011
- New York Category Theory Seminar, City University of New
York, 28th September 2011 (poster available
- D.W.Weeks Lecture Series, MIT (U.S.A.), 26th
September 2011
- Philosophy Seminar, The Montreal Inter-University Workshop on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
(Canada), 22nd September 2011 (poster available
- Category Theory Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of
McGill University, Montréal
20th September 2011
- Logic Seminar, University of Ottawa (Canada),
19th September 2011
- Invited talk at the "Workshop on Duality Theory",
University of Oxford (U.K.), 2nd - 3rd August 2011
- Plenary presentation at the
conference "Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic" 2011
(TACL 2011), Marseille (France), 30th July 2011
- PPS Seminar, Université Paris 7 (France), 1st June 2011
- PPS Seminar, Université Paris 7 (France), 31th May 2011
- Logic Seminar, University of Manchester (U.K.), 5th May 2011
- 92th edition of the
Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic, Oxford (U.K.), 23rd -24th April 2011
- Seminar at the Computer Science Department of the University of Leicester (U.K.), 10th March 2011
- Aspects of
Mathematical Foundations of Physics Seminar, University of Oxford (U.K.), 18th February 2011
- Invited lecture on the occasion of the award of the AILA Prize 2010,
XXIV Incontro di Logica, Bologna (Italy), 2nd-4th February 2011
- DPMMS Category Theory Seminar, University of Cambridge
(U.K.), 25th January 2011
- Seminar at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Birmingham
(U.K.), 10th December 2010
- 91th edition of the Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic, Amsterdam (NE), 26th-28th November 2010
- DPMMS Category Theory Seminar, University of Cambridge (U.K.), 26th October 2010
- Invited talk at the "Workshop on Constructive Topology",
University of Palermo (Italy), 6th September 2010
- 8-hour invited lecture course at the Department of Mathematics of the
University of Padova (Italy), 1st-2nd July 2010
- Invited lecture at the International Category Theory Conference 2010, Genoa (Italy), 20th-26th June 2010
- Invited talk at the "Florence Category Day", University of Florence
(Italy), 16th June 2010
- Seminar at the "Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione" of the
University of Florence (Italy), 19th May 2010
- Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Torino (Italy), 13th May 2010
- Logic Seminar, University of Leeds (U.K.),
5th May 2010
- National-level lecture course, Centro di Ricerca Matematica
Ennio De Giorgi, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy), 22nd-26th February 2010
- Seminar at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Genoa (Italy), 18th February 2010
- Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Salerno (Italy), 1st February 2010
- Seminar at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan (Italy), 15th December 2009
- 89th edition of the Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic,
Louvain (Belgium), 13th December 2009
- Contributed talk at the workshop "Probability, Uncertainty and Rationality", Pontignano (Siena, Italy), 2nd November 2009
- Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of the Universitè Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), 22nd September 2009
- Contributed talk at the Logic Colloquium 2009, Sofia (Bulgaria), 4th August 2009
- Contributed talk at the London Mathematical Society "Women in Mathematics Day 2009", London (U.K.), 24th April 2009
- Invited talk at the workshop on Topos Theory held at the Department of Philosophy of the
University of Bristol (U.K.), 8th April 2009
- 88th edition of the
Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic, Cambridge (U.K.), 4th April 2009
- Logic Seminar, University of Manchester (U.K.), 19th March 2009
- Oxford Advanced Seminar on Informatic Structures jointly with Logic Seminar,
University of Oxford (U.K.), 5th February 2009
- DPMMS Category Theory Seminar,
University of Cambridge (U.K.), 3rd February 2009
- Category Theory Seminar,
University of Milan (Italy), 18th December 2008
- DPMMS Category Theory Seminar,
University of Cambridge (U.K.), 11th November 2008
- Contributed talk at the "International Category Theory Conference 2008", Calais (France), 26th June 2008
- DPMMS Category Theory Seminar,
University of Cambridge (U.K.), 10th June 2008
- Two invited general talks on the occasion of the international prize in Mathematics "Pitagora", Crotone (Italy), 20th-21st October 2006
- Seminar at the Department of Mathematics of
the University of Turin (Italy), 2nd November 2005