Olivia Caramello's website






  • An invitation to topos-theoretic model theory, research course at the Institute For Fundamental Research, Tehran (Iran) - given through videoconference from IHES, 13, 20 and 27 May 2020:

    Lecture 1
    Lecture 2
    Lecture 3

    The slides are available here.


  • Unità e molteplicità: l'estetica dell'oggetto in matematica, talk (in Italian) at the Seminario Estivo di ScienzaNuova (Merano, 20 luglio 2020): video-recording available here. The slides are available here.


  • Introduction to Grothendieck toposes, research course given (in videoconference from IHES) at the conference "Topics in Category Theory", ICMS, Edinburgh (11-13 March 2020):

    Lecture n.1
    Lecture n.2
    Lecture n.3
    Lecture n.4

    The playlist is available here.

    The slides are available here.


  • Reale o immaginario? La lezione dei topoi, talk (in Italian) at the Seminario Estivo di ScienzaNuova (Merano, 22 luglio 2019): video-recording available here. The slides are available here.


  • The idea of 'bridge' and its unifying role, talk (in Italian) at TEDxLakeComo, 10 November 2018: video-recording available here.



  • La "notion unificatrice" de topos, invited talk at the Lectures Grothendieckiennes of the Department of Mathematics of the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 6 March 2018. A video recording is available here and the slides here.

  • Grothendieck toposes and their roles in Mathematics, invited talk at the 4th Huawei-IHES Workshop on Mathematical Theories for Information and Communication Technologies, IHÉS, France, 12 April 2018.

  • Inaugural lecture of the working group on categorial logic and the 'bridge' technique at the École Polytechnique, 5 March 2018.


  • Stone-type dualities through topos-theoretic 'bridges', four-hour research course given at the conference Logique catégorique, topos et dualités, Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 8-12 January 2018:
    Talk n.1
    Talk n.2
  • Talk n.3         
    Talk n.4

    The slides are available here.


  • Exposé d'HDR (mémoire pour l'obtention de l'habilitation à diriger des recherches) (in French) entitled "Les topos de Grothendieck comme
    ‘ponts’ unifiants en mathématiques", University of Paris 7. The text of the HDR (in English) is avaiable here and the slides of my presentation (in French) here. The Jury's report ("rapport de soutenance") is available here.  


  • "Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the 'bridge' technique", 5-hour lecture course given in English at the conference "Topos à l'IHÉS" (23-27 November 2015). The videos of the four lectures are available here. The syllabus of the course is available here. An edited version of the four lectures with titles for the various sections (kindly prepared by S. Dugowson) is available here.


  • One-hour interview (in French) by S. Dugowson and A. Khelif, filmed by L. Honnorat at IHÉS. Written synthesis by L. Honnorat available here.


  • "Toposes as unifying 'bridges' in Mathematics", 18-hour lecture course given in French at the Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu (Universités Paris 6-7) from the 14th to the 31st of January 2013.
    This course, whose programme can be found here, was organized by the « Équipe de logique catégorique » and the « Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes »  of the Paris 7 University; video recordings of the lectures are available at this website.


  • "Théorie de Galois topologique", seminar presenting the paper "Topological Galois Theory" given at the University Paris 7 on 16th January 2013. A video recording is available at this website.

  •  "Caractérisation d’invariants topos-théoriques en termes de sites", seminar presenting (some of the results of) the papers "Site characterizations for geometric invariants of toposes" and "Topologies for intermediate logics" given at the University Paris 7 on 6th February 2013. A video recording is available at this website.