Olivia Caramello's website
The 'unifying notion' of topos,
talk given at the conference in honour of Grothendieck held in May
2022 at Chapman University.
The slides are available
Introduction to relative topos theory,
course given at the school "Unifying
themes in Geometry", 27-30 September 2021
The slides are available
Introduction to sheaves, stacks and relative toposes,
4-hour research course given in videoconference for the school of
"Toposes online", 24-30 June 2021
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
The slides are available
Relative topos theory via stacks, talk at ItaCa Fest 2021
The slides are available
and morphogenesis: a topos-theoretic perspective, talk given in
videoconference from IHES for the "Seminario di Logica e Filosofia
della Scienza dell’Università di Palermo"
The slides are available
Topoi come ‘ponti’ unificanti: una morfogenesi matematica, talk
given videoconference for the "Synergia Seminar" at the Università
degli Studi di Urbino
The slides are available
The geometry of morphisms and equivalences of toposes,
6-hour research course given in videoconference for the Lecture
Series Topics in contemporary mathematics at the Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, 27-28 August 2020
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
The slides are available
- An
interview in Italian for Meet Science
- An invitation to topos-theoretic model theory,
research course at the Institute For Fundamental Research, Tehran
(Iran) - given through videoconference from IHES, 13, 20 and 27 May
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
The slides are available
- Unità e
molteplicità: l'estetica dell'oggetto in matematica,
talk (in
Italian) at the Seminario Estivo di ScienzaNuova (Merano, 20 luglio
2020): video-recording
available here. The slides
are available
- Introduction to Grothendieck toposes, research
course given (in videoconference from IHES) at the conference
"Topics in Category Theory", ICMS, Edinburgh (11-13 March 2020):
Lecture n.1
Lecture n.2
Lecture n.3
Lecture n.4
The playlist is available
The slides are available
- Reale o immaginario?
La lezione dei topoi,
talk (in
Italian) at the Seminario Estivo di ScienzaNuova (Merano, 22 luglio
2019): video-recording
available here. The slides
are available
The idea of 'bridge' and its unifying role,
talk (in
Italian) at
TEDxLakeComo, 10 November 2018: video-recording
available here.