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Unifying theory

Concrete examples

Theories of presheaf type

Let us recall from this section that a geometric theory is said to be of presheaf type if it is classified by a presheaf topos.

The class of theories of presheaf type is actually very extensive; indeed, it contains all the cartesian theories (in particular, all the finitary algebraic theories) as well as many other interesting mathematical theories pertaining to different mathematical fields (a list of notable theories of presheaf type can be found in this paper). For example, the theory of commutative rings with unit, the theory of groups, the theory of modules over a ring, the theory of linear orders, the theory of objects with decidable equality, the theory of graphs are all theories of presheaf type. The results about theories of presheaf type that we will establish below will thus be applicable to any of the theories belonging to this class, and hence constitute a uniform web of theorems spanning across different mathematical domains.

From a logical point of view, the theories of presheaf type represent the fundamental 'building blocks' from which all other geometric theories can be built: indeed, as any topos is a subtopos of a presheaf topos, so any geometric theory is a quotient of a theory of presheaf type.

As we shall see below, there are various criteria for proving that a certain theory is of presheaf type or methods for generating theories of presheaf type. For the moment, we observe that a geometric theory is of presheaf type if and only if it is classified by the topos

where is (a skeleton of) the category of finitely presentable -models in Set. Recall that a model of in Set is said to be finitely presentable if the hom-functor

preserves filtered colimits.

A striking aspect of the class of theories of presheaf type is that any small category can be regarded, up to Cauchy-completion, as the category of finitely presentable models of a theory of presheaf type. Indeed, for any small category , the theory of flat functors on is of presheaf type (since it is classified by the topos ), and the Cauchy-completion of can be identified with the full subcategory of the ind-completion of on its finitely presentable objects. This allows to naturally reinterpret categorical notions and results arising in the context of small categories and their ind-completions in a logical way, and exploit logical means to investigate them (cf. for example this section).       

In universal algebra, a syntactically inspired notion of finite presentability for a model of an algebraic theory is considered. A natural generalization of this notion for theories of presheaf type, originally introduced in this paper, reads as follows (recall that any finite algebraic theory is a theory of presheaf type): a model of a theory of presheaf type in Set is finitely presented if there exists a geometric formula over the signature of and a string of elements (where are the sorts of the variables in ), called the generators of , such that for any -model in Set and string of elements


such that , there exists a unique arrow


in such that


Notice that a model which is finitely presented by a formula can be seen as a representing object for the interpretation functor


Notice also that a given formula-in-context can present, up to isomorphism, only one -model; we shall therefore speak of 'the' -model presented by a given formula, if at least one such model exists.

It is well-known that for any finitary algebraic theory (i.e., a theory whose signature contains only function symbols and whose axioms can be expressed as equalities between terms), the semantic and syntactic notions of finite presentability coincide, that is for any set-based model of the theory, is finitely presented if and only if it is finitely presentable. Anyway, one can easily prove, as an application of the 'bridge technique', that this is true more in general, for any theory of presheaf type (in fact, there are many interesting theories of presheaf type which are not algebraic, so our result significantly extends the scope of applicability of the classical theorem):

Theorem: Let be a theory of presheaf type. Then, for any -model in Set, is finitely presentable if and only if it is finitely presented. In fact, we have a functor

where is the full subcategory of on the -irreducible formulae (that is, the geometric formulae such that for any family   of -provably functional geometric formulae from to with the property that is provable in , there exist and a -provably functional geometric formula from to such that is provable in ), which sends a formula in to the -model presented by it and which is surjective and essentially full and faithful (in fact, an equivalence, under the axiom of choice).
[By an essentially full and faithful functor we mean a functor such that for any objects and in the arrows in correspond, under , bijectively with the isomorphism classes of arrows  in .]

The bridge leading to the proof of this result is obtained by considering the invariant property of an object of a topos to be irreducible (recall that an object of a Grothendieck topos is said to be irreducible if for any jointly epimorphic family of arrows on it the identity arrow on it factors through at least one of the arrows in the family) in the context of a canonical Morita-equivalence

for the theory

Using a well-known site characterization for presheaf toposes, we obtain that the irreducible (equivalently, indecomposable projective) objects of the topos are, up to isomorphism, precisely those of the form for some finitely presentable model , where  is the Yoneda embedding (since the category is Cauchy-complete). On the other hand, the irreducible objects of the topos are easily seen to be, up to isomorphism, precisely those of the form where is the Yoneda embedding; indeed, every object of can be covered by representables, and a representable is irreducible if and only if the formula is -irreducible:

The result now follows immediately by recalling that the original Morita-equivalence for is canonical.  

Another 'definability result' for theories of presheaf type which one can naturally obtain as an application of the bridge technique is the following.

Theorem: Let be a theory of presheaf type, a string of sorts over its signature and suppose we are given, for every finitely presentable set-based model of a subset of in such a way that each -model homomorphism  maps into . Then there exists a geometric formula-in-context such that for each .

This theorem can be proved by considering an invariant, namely the universal model of , in terms of the two different representations


of its classifying topos.

The universal model of in can be identified with the structure assigning to each sort in the signature of the functor sending any model of in to the set , while the universal model of in can be identified with the structure assigning to each sort in the signature of the representable functor . Since the notion of universal model is an invariant, the Morita-equivalence for reported above sends and to each other and hence, for any string of sorts over the signature of , the subobjects of   in and the subobects of in correspond bijectively to each other under this equivalence. But the subobjects of in can be identified with the assignment, to every finitely presentable set-based model of , of a subset of in such a way that each -model homomorphism maps into , while the subobjects of in can be identified with the geometric formulae over the signature of , from which our thesis follows.

By considering as topos-theoretic invariant the notion of arrow between the interpretation of geometric formulae in the universal model of the theory, again in connection to the above-mentioned Morita-equivalence, we obtain by the same method the following result: for any geometric formulae and and any assignment sending to any finitely presentable model an arrow which is natural in , there exists a -provably functional formula from to   whose interpretation in any finitely presentable model coincides with the arrow .   

Let us now consider other applications of the bridge technique in the context of theories of presheaf type. Suppose that is a quotient of a theory of presheaf type , corresponding to a Grothendieck topology on the category under the duality theorem, which is itself a theory of presheaf type.  Then we have a Morita-equivalence

and we may attempt to construct 'bridges' from it by considering approprate topos-theoretic invariants on the given classifying topos:

A natural invariant to consider is the property of the canonical geometric inclusion from the classifying topos of to the classifying topos of to be essential (that is, to have an inverse image which admits a left adjoint). One can prove the following site characterizations:

(1) A canonical geometric inclusion from a topos which is equivalent to a presheaf topos is essential if and only if the topology is rigid (that is, for any object of the family of all morphisms to from objects of on which the only covering sieve is the maximal one generates a -covering sieve).

(2) A geometric morphism (resp. geometric inclusion) is essential if and only if it is canonically induced by a functor (resp. by a full and faithful functor) .  

These characterizations define the arches of a bridge which allows to establish the following equivalence: every finitely presentable -model is finitely presentable as a -model if and only if the topology is rigid.

Incidentally, under our hypotheses we have that if is subcanonical (that is, every covering sieve on a given object defines a colimit cone over it in the underlying category) then is rigid (cf. this paper).

Under the hypothesis that every finitely presentable -model is finitely presentable as a -model (or, equivalently, that is rigid), we can describe directly in terms of the subcategory and conversely. This description arises again from a bridge, this time induced by the Morita-equivalence

where is the Grothendieck topology on whose covering sieves on any object are precisely the sieves containing all the arrows in to it from objects of the subcategory , which, combined with the previous bridge, entails the equivalence of Grothendieck topologies , thus providing an explicit description of in terms of . Conversely, by considering the invariant property of an object of a topos to be irreducible in connection to the above-mentioned Morita-equivalence, we obtain a description of the objecs in as the ones on which all the -covering  (equivalently, all the -covering) sieves are maximal.

We can also compare the two different axiomatizations of the quotient arising from the two different representations of its classifying topos. From the Morita-equivalence

it follows, by considering as topos-theoretic invariant the property of a geometric sequent over the signature of to hold in the universal model of lying in its classifying topos, that can be characterized as the collection of all geometric sequents over the signature of in all the finitely presentable models of . On the other hand, by the duality theorem, coincides with the quotient defined in that context. We can thus conclude, in view of the remarks above, that the collection of all geometric sequents over the signature of in all the finitely presentable models of can be axiomatized by the collection of sequents of the form where the family of -provably functional formulae from the formulae which present a -model to a -irreducible formula .    

Concerning the methods for proving that a theory is of presheaf type, we mention that one can easily prove that, given a theory of presheaf type and a quotient of , if the finitely presentable -models are jointly conservative for and every such model is finitely presentable as a -model then is of presheaf type. This criterion can for example be applied to prove that the (coherent) theory of linear orders is of presheaf type.

Also, it follows from the analysis of essential subtoposes of presheaf type of a given presheaf topos carried out above that for any theory of presheaf type and any collection of finitely presented -models, there exists exactly one quotient of of presheaf type whose class of finitely presentable models coincides with the idempotent completion of the given collection. From this criterion (applied to the empty theory over a given signature) it follows in particular that for any signature and any collection of finitely presented -structures, the collection of all geometric sequents over which are satisfied in each of these structures defines a theory of presheaf type whose collection of finitely presentable models can be identified with the idempotent completion of the original collection.  

One can also prove that a theory is of presheaf type if and only if its collection of finitely presentable models is conservative, its finitely presentable models are all presented by a geometric formula over the signature of the theory and all the -model homomorphisms between them are presented by -provably functional formulae between the formulae which present them.    

Another criterion is the following: a geometric theory over a signature is of presheaf type if and only if there exists a set of -irreducible formulae such that for any geometric formula there exists a family of -provably functional formulae from the to such that is provable in .  

Also, more generally, one can prove that any geometric theory can be extended (by adding sorts, function and relation symbols as well as sequents involving them) to a theory of presheaf type (a priori in many different ways), and if the theory has enough set-theoretic models (for example, if the theory is coherent and one assumes the axiom of choice) and the category of its set-theoretic models is finitely accessible then the theory can be extended to a theory of presheaf type whose set-theoretic models (resp. finitely presentable models) can be identified with those of the original theory. For example, as proved in this paper, the coherent theory of fields is not of presheaf type, but there is an extension of it of presheaf type, namely the so-called theory of Diers fields, whose set-theoretic models can be identified with those of the theory of fields, that is with (classical) fields. 

Finally, let us discuss a few other applications of the 'bridge technique' in the context of theories of presheaf type, arising from the consideration of logically and geometrically inspired invariants on the classifying toposes of such theories.

In this paper many logically-inspired invariants of toposes, notably including the property of a topos to be Boolean, to be De Morgan and to satisfy Gödel-Dummett logic, were considered, and bijective site characterizations for them were obtained. Specifically, we have the following criteria: 

Applying these criteria to the case of a presheaf topos yields the following characterizations:

On the other hand, applying the criteria to the classifying topos of a geometric theory, represented as the topos of sheaves on its geometric syntactic site, we obtain the following characterizations:

On the other hand, the problem of obtaining bijective site characterizations for 'geometric' invariants of toposes expressible in terms of the existence of a class of objects in the topos satisfying a certain property was discussed in this paper, where bijective site characterizations for various invariants of this kind (notably including the property of a topos to be localic, atomic, locally connected, two-valued, compact, coherent), holding for large classes of sites, were obtained.

In the case of a presheaf topos, these criteria yield in particular the following characterizations:

Applied to the case of the classifying topos of a geometric theory (represented as the topos of sheaves on its syntactic site), the same criteria yield in particular the following results:

Notice that, for any theory of presheaf type ,, we can combine these criteria with the above-mentioned ones to obtain results relating syntactic properties of with 'geometric' properties of its category of finitely presentable models. In particular, we obtain the following criteria, summarized by the following

Theorem: Let be a theory of presheaf type. Then

Of course, the consideration of other invariants will lead to different insights of similar nature on theories of presheaf type, and thus generate applications in the distinct mathematical domains in which these theories occur.