Olivia Caramello's website


Unifying theory

Concrete examples

Maximal spectra of commutative rings

This section is devoted to describing a few applications of our philosophy 'toposes as bridges' in connection to the problem of building a natural analogue of the Zariski spectrum for the maximal ideals of a ring.

Let be a commutative ring with unit. The Zariski spectrum of is the topological space obtained by equipping the set of prime ideals of with the topology whose closed sets are the subsets of the form for an ideal of .

The different constructions of the Zariski spectrum can be interpreted topos-theoretically as different representations for the topos of sheaves on it (cf. this section). For instance, we have a Morita-equivalence

where is the frame of radical ideals of (the order being the subset-inclusion one among the ideals) and is the canonical topology on it, which provides an algebraic presentation of the spectrum, and a Morita-equivalence

where is the geometric syntactic site of a geometric propositional theory axiomatizing the subset of whose complement is a prime ideal of , which realizes the topos of sheaves on the spectrum as a classifying topos (of the theory ). Specifically, the theory is defined as follows: its signature consists of one 0-ary relation symbol propositional symbol for each element , whose axioms are the following:



    (for any ),

,    (for any ).

The first Morita-equivalence can be established by using the well-known isomorphism between the frame of open sets of and the frame which sends every radical ideal of to the complement in of the set .

The second Morita-equivalence follows from the prime ideal theorem for distributive lattices (a weak form of the axiom of choice), which ensures that, the theory being coherent, its classifying topos has enough points and hence can be represented topologically as the topos of sheaves on the space of its points. 

Also, by the syntactic method of construction of classifying toposes, the topos of sheaves on the Zariski spectrum of a ring can also be represented as the topos of coherent sheaves on a distributive lattice, namely the coherent syntactic category of the propositional theory . Moreover, since the maximal ideals of can be characterized in an invariant way as the points of the Zariski topos which are minimal in the specialization ordering and the points of the topos correspond to the prime ideals of the lattice , the Morita-equivalence

restricts to an equivalence


where is the subspace of the prime spectrum of on the maximal ideals of .

Notice also that, by Grothendieck's Comparison Lemma, we have an equivalence


where is the frame of (-)ideals on .

These Morita-equivalences provide a natural context for building an analogue of the Zariski spectrum for maximal ideals, that is algebraic and logical representations for the subspace of consisting of the maximal ideals of the ring . We recall that any subspace of a topological space induces a geometric inclusion (that is, a subtopos of ). Notice that this represents an implicative site characterization (holding for topological sites) for the topological invariant 'to be a subtopos'. On the other hand, our duality theorem provides a site characterization for the notion of subtoposes holding for syntactic sites. Starting from the Morita-equivalence


 we can thus use these characterizations to build a bridge:


where is the quotient of corresponding to the subtopos

of its classifying topos via the duality theorem.

We observe that, by considering the topos-theoretic invariant 'to be a point of a topos' in connection with the Morita-equivalence  and recalling the well-known site characterization 'the points of the topos correspond precisely to the elements of the soberification of ' (holding for any topological space ), together with the obvious site characterization for the same invariant in terms of the syntactic site of a theory (the points of a classifying topos correspond precisely to the set-based models of the theory), we obtain a 'bridge' yielding a bijective correspondence between the set-based models of the theory and the elements of the soberification of the space . In particular, it follows that the soberification of the space can be realized as a space of prime ideals on ; we shall characterize these ideals more explicitly below.

Notice that another consequence of the above-mentioned Morita-equivalence is the fact that any open set of is of the form for a geometric sentence over the signature of the theory .

By considering the topos-theoretic invariant 'to be a dense subobject with respect to a subtopos' in connection with the Morita-equivalence

we can obtain a syntactic description of the theory c description of the theory , by arguing as follows. Clearly, a geometric sequent in the language of is provable in if and only if the subobject in given by the interpretations and  of the formulae and in its universal model is dense with respect to its associated subtopos. But, since the points of the topos corresponding to the maximal ideals on are jointly surjective (that is, their inverse image functors jointly reflect isomorphisms), the given subobject is dense with respect to the given subtopos if and only if it is satisfied in every maximal ideal of . We can thus conclude that the quotient is obtained from the theory by adding all the sequents which are satisfied in all the complements of maximal ideals of .

Let us now consider the problem of getting an algebraic presentation of the maximal spectrum of a commutative ring, as defined above; in particular, this will lead to an alternative axiomatization of our quotient .

By considering the invariant notion of subtopos in connection to the Morita-equivalence

we obtain that the subtopos corresponds to a unique Grothendieck topology on such that the canonical geometric inclusion induces an equivalence

Now, since every object in can be expressed as a finite join of objects of the form (by the third axiom in the definition of the theory ), the full subcategory of spanned by these objects is -dense, whence by the Comparison Lemma we have a further Morita-equivalence


where is the Grothendieck topology on induced by . The duality theorem then implies that the quotient is obtained by adding all the sequents over the signature of of the form

such that the sieve is -covering.

An explicit description of the topology will thus provide us with an alternative axiomatization for the theory . In order to obtain such a description we use the invariant characterization of covering sieves on a category with respect to a Grothendieck topology as the subobjects of the corresponding representable which are dense with respect to the closure operation on the presheaf topos associated to the topology. To calculate this closure operation, we observe that for any subspace of a topological space the action on subterminals of the inverse image of the subtopos inclusion , which coincides with the associated closure operation on subterminals, can be identified with the map sending any open set of to the largest open set of whose intersection with is contained in it.

Applying this to the subtopos we obtain that the closure operation on the -ideals on corresponding to it under the Morita-equivalence sends every such ideal to the largest -ideal on which is contained in exactly the same maximal ideals (of the distributive lattice ) as , that is the intersection of all the maximal ideals of containing .

More generally, for any distributive lattice the subspace of the prime spectrum of consisting of the maximal ideals of corresponds to a unique Grothendieck topology on yielding an equivalence


and under the hypothesis of the maximal ideal theorem, the associated closure operation on the ideals of , which sends any such ideal to the intersection of all the maximal ideals of containing , can be identified with the map sending to any ideal the ideal


Indeed, for any element of , does not belong to the intersection of all the maximal ideals of containing if and only if there exists a maximal ideal of and an element such that ; in other words, belongs to the intersection of all the maximal ideals of containing if and only if for every element , implies that for every maximal ideal of containing ,  equivalently the ideal generated by and is trivial (not being contained in any maximal ideal) i.e. there exists such that .   

From this characterization one immediately obtains an explicit description of the topology : a sieve on is -covering if and only if for every , implies that there exists a finite subset such that .

Notice in particular that every -covering sieve on the top element is generated by a finite family of arrows (take equal to ). This implies, in view of the site characterization 'For any site and any object of , is a compact object of if and only if every -covering sieve on contains a finite -covering sieve' that, under the assumption of the maximal ideal theorem, the space is compact:


By exploiting the description of the topology obtained above, in the particular case equal to (so that is equal to ), in conjunction with the fact that for any elements , in if and only if a power of is a multiple of in , we easily arrive at the following axiomatization for the theory (below we indicate by a list of elements put in parentheses the ideal of generated by those elements): this quotient is obtained from by adding all the sequents of the form


for any elements and of such that for any a power of is a multiple of and for any finite set of elements such that there exists a finite subset such that the ideal generated by the (for ) and the (for ) is the whole of .

Notice that the compactness of the space can be expressed in logical terms by asserting that, for any set of geometric sentences over the signature of , if for every maximal ideal of there exists such that then there exists a finite subset such that for every maximal ideal of there exists such that .

The following result, which represents a corollary of the above considerations, provides an explicit description of the soberification of as a subspace of .

Theorem: Let be a commutative ring with unit. Then a prime ideal of belongs to the soberification of (resp. is maximal, if is sober) if and only if for any elements and of with the property that for any a power of is a multiple of and for any finite set of elements such that there exists a finite subset such that the ideal generated by the (for ) and the (for ) is the whole of , if for all then

Notice that this theorem notably applies to any C*-algebra (since its Gelfand spectrum is sober being Hausdorff), giving an alternative characterization of its maximal ideals.

The theorem can be 'functorialized' in a natural way, to obtain a related characterization of the ring homomorphisms such that the induced continuous map restricts to a (necessarily continuous) map .

We treat this problem in the more general context of morphisms of distributive lattices. By using the 'bridge' technique we can easily establish the following result.

Theorem: Let be a morphism of distributive lattices. If restricts to a (necessarily continuous map) then is a morphism of sites . The converse holds if is sober.  

The proof of the theorem is based on the consideration of the following 'bridge' in light of the general theory of morphisms of sites:


If restricts to a map then the following diagram commutes:

By transferring this property across the Morita-equivalences and we obtain the commutativity of a diagram of the form


which in turn implies the fact that is cover-preserving (see here), i.e. that is a morphism of sites .

Conversely, if is a morphism of sites then it induces a geometric morphism , which corresponds under the Morita-equivalences and , to a geometric morphism , which in turn corresponds, if is sober, to a unique continuous map which represents the restriction of to and .

Applying this result in the context of distributive lattices of the form ) one immediately obtains the following result.

Theorem: Let be a homomorphism of commutative rings with unit and . If the continuous map restricts to a (continuous) map then for any elements and of with the property that for any a power of is a multiple of and for any finite set of elements such that there exists a finite subset such that the ideal generated by the (for ) and the (for ) is the whole of such that there exists a finite subset such that the ideal generated by the (for ) and the (for ) is the whole of . The converse implication holds if is sober.

Notice how the development of a natural analogue of the Zariski spectrum for maximal ideals leading to the results above has been achieved in a purely canonical, and in a sense even mechanical, way following an implementation of the 'bridge philosophy'; in other words, one has not needed to make any choices of more or less arbitrary nature. 

For further reading see this paper and this other one.